All the Books of 2015: Day 15

“All The Books Of 2015” it’s a challenge about all the books you read but only in this 2015!📚 The idea behind this it’s that through all the month of December we can share our reading year in pictures, favorites, least favorites, new favorite characters, otps, et cetera .

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Day 15 – Best villains

Best villains equals worst human (or not) beings. The best villains for me are those characters who are so despicable they make me question if they even have a heart. And the best villains I read about this year were Black Jack Randall from Outlander and the King of Adarlan from Throne of Glass. They really are horrible people, especially Black Jack, in my opinion.

Now if you had asked me who my favourite villain is, that would be another story *coughs* Sebastian *coughs* haha 😉

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