Total blog revamp! + Posting schedule

Hello bookish people!!! I went a little crazy and decided to completely change my blog theme! I was having a little trouble with the old one and was honestly just tired of it. It wasn’t really easy to access stuff and the posts were a bit of a mess. But this new theme is neat! I now have a sidebar to make access to archive, categories, search bar, social media, etc. easier and also a little menu where you can see all my important pages like my review index, rating guide, review policy (plus how to contact me) and my about me page.

If you’re reading this on mobile (which is me 99% of the time) I took some screenshots to show you the before and after 🙂

Before and after screenshot on my iPad. You can’t see the sidebar I was talking about here.

Captura de Ecrã (4517)

Here’s how it looks like on the computer, where you can see the sidebar 🙂

Now on to the posting schedule!

I’ve never had one but I think that this way I’ll be able to be more active here. I went over what I do every day of the week and immediately ruled out Fridays and Saturdays for posting cause that’s when I’m busier. So given that, I’ve come up with this schedule: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

I’m really hoping I can stick to this XD Also, I was supposed to have posted this yesterday but I spent the whole day in the pool haha not a good start.

That’s all for today! Tell me what you think of the new theme, please ❤

You can find me on bookstagramtumblrpinterest and goodreads!


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